Superb Chiropractic Care

With A Personal Touch

Chiropractor Erie PA on Nagle Road

Thank you for visiting the website of Iadeluca Chiropractic located at 1990 Nagle Road in Erie, PA. We understand how important it is to choose a Erie chiropractor that is right for you. It is our belief that educating our patients is a very important part of the success we see in our office.

Most people think that a chiropractor pops, cracks or snaps back pain away, but there is so much more to the profession. In 1895 the first chiropractic adjustment was delivered to a man that had lost the ability to hear in one of his ears. Following an adjustment to his spine the man explained that his hearing had been restored. While this is not the most common result of chiropractic care it is an example of one of the many conditions chiropractic care has helped over the last century.

Understanding Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a type of health care that works with the nervous system as well as the musculoskeletal system. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to diagnose and treat injuries and disorders that involve the nervous system, muscles and bones. Chiropractors in Erie work directly with the spine to remove any interference that may be preventing the body to heal itself and to restore natural processes within the body.

Like all other areas in health care, new patients will undergo a consultation that involves reviewing past and current health conditions, medications and surgeries as well as a physical examination. Once this process is completed our team will use all of the information to establish a diagnosis and create an individualized treatment plan.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is not limited to people suffering from back pain in Erie. There are a myriad of different conditions that chiropractic care has been shown to be helpful for. At Iadeluca Chiropractic, we have a large number of patients that see us as a part of their wellness lifestyle. Receiving regular chiropractic adjustments can help the body function at its optimal potential.

Chiropractic is just as much about preventing injury and disease as it is about relieving pain from existing conditions. Chiropractic adjustments can help to decrease the stress that is put on the nervous system thereby allowing the body to function closer to it's full capacity. There is also no age limit when it comes to chiropractic care.

Our team works directly with the spine to remove any interference that may be preventing the body to heal itself and to restore natural processes within the body.

If you want to find out if chiropractic care is right for you, please give us a call today. Our team at Iadeluca Chiropractic in Erie is here for you.


"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution."

Maya Angelou

Iadeluca Chiropractic
1990 Nagle Road
Erie, PA 16510

(814) 899-6199